Well it's hard to believe that January has come and gone already. I have a feeling this year is just going to fly by. I haven't posted in a month but I have been busy trying to complete some of my UFO's!
I have finished my first hex for my Quaker Quilt. It is a motif of two birds sitting on a vase and stitched in Gloriana's Elizabethan Green. Here are some of the fabrics I have collected for the quilt and the palette of silks I will stitch with. Most are Gloriana threads but there is one Needle Point Silk and one Belle Soie. As I said before this will be quite a large project ... perhaps a lifetime one but I am excited to have started and have collected alot of motifs, fabric and threads for the project.
Some friends and I went on a road trip a week ago to Salt Spring Island where we enjoyed the small shop of Treenway silks. It is something to see the whole collection of silk thread and ribbons laid out before you. Lots of eye candy there. You can check them out at their website:
One of my purchases was some plain silk floss which I am going to attempt to dye myself. I played around a little yesterday with a 5 yard swatch and will post a picture after I stitch a piece with it. We had a nice lunch at Moby's, shopped and then headed home. It was a fun day out!
On Saturday I attended my 5th Nanaimo Quilt Bee. This event is held annually at the end of January. Women come together in teams and quilt all day, some ladies actually finish but most teams only complete the top of the quilt. At the next guild meeting the quilts are collected and donated to Haven House, a local charity that provides help to those who have experienced violence. The first two years I just helped with the kitchen and the last three I have been on a team we call the three B's ... Bonnie, Blanche and Betty. Blanche is 92 and quilts like a dream. Bonnie keeps us organized and does most of the sewing. I press and pin and later add the binding. We have alot of fun together and I am looking forward to participating again next year.
I have a couple of designs in the works and will post pics when I have completed them. Let's just say one has something do to with scissors and the other tea!That's all the hints I'm going to give.
FYI .... I am starting another blog strictly related to my Bailey genealogy and will post the link to that next time .... in case anyone is interested.