I have always wanted to create my own blog, having been so inspired by so many creative people out there in cyber space. I made an attempt a few years ago but really wasn't terribly dedicated in my efforts. Here begins this new journey ....to quote Anne Shirley "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it" ..... and that tomorrow is today for me!
Last night we rang in the new year with the new Star Trek movie. Great special affects, some good laughs, a beginning, an ending .... but the middle hopscotched around and the story was weak and confusing. In my opinion a bit of a disappointment ... and my hubby was in agreement.
The second feature was "Bridge to Teribithia" which I thought was a lovely adventure. Hubby thought it was good up until the little girl dies .... I suppose I enjoyed the tragedy of it all. Could little May Belle have been any sweeter .... she completely stole my heart.
Having recently had my cousin undergo DNA testing for genealogical purposes, I am happy to report we descend from William Bailey, born 1535 Bromham, Wiltshire, England. He was reportedly a weaver .... perhaps this is where I get my love of fabric and thread from? His grandson John came to New England in 1635. Later a great grandson Joel arrived and settled in PA. The question is which line do we descend from .... my mom and I have our work cut out for us in the genealogical journey!
After some online searching we have learned that John Bailey was a Quaker. This is an interesting discovery as I have been sometime planning (okay mostly in my head thus far) out the possibility of stitching a Quaker Quilt. I invision it in muted fall colours in linen and silks, with scattered Quaker motifs throughout.
Some exciting family news ..... our oldest son is engaged to be married. Congratulations Matt and Khieo .... welcome to our family. So now we wait to hear of the wedding location ... Australia, Thailand, or Canada!
If you are an avid needleworker please check out the link for my favourite local store called "The Stitchers Muse" Dione the proprietor is very helpful and has a shop full of eye candy that will surely entice!
Bliadhna Mhath Ùr! or Happy New Year!